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Electronic furniture, cabinet locks

Manufacturer: ATLO Model: ATLO-ML-EM219
Cards supportUnique EM 125kHzReading distance of prox-keysmax. 5Power supply4 xMain featuresFour types of users: administrator, user, service, guest The device is independent and its programming is done using the administrator card The lock clamp has been equipped with a spring bumper that facilit..
Excluded VAT 21%:39.00€
Electronic furniture lock with code and tags reader Z-595 code Electronic furniture lock with code and tags reader Z-595 code
Model: Z-595 code
Z-595 code lock designed to replace conventional (standard) locks with mechanical keys for wardrobe cabinets (cylinders). Z-595 code lock is the contactless reader and 6-keys keyboard combined with the standalone controller and electromechanical lock. Lock is powered by 1 x 9V PP3 battery. Z-59..
Excluded VAT 21%:85.20€
Electronic furniture lock with card (tags) readers Z-595 EHT Electronic furniture lock with card (tags) readers Z-595 EHT
Model: Z-595 EHT
Z-595 EHT lock designed to replace conventional (standard) locks with mechanical keys for wardrobe cabinets (cylinders). Z-595 EHT lock is the contactless reader combined with the standalone controller and electromechanical lock. Lock is powered by 1 x 9V PP3 battery. Z-595 EHT lock has a compa..
Excluded VAT 21%:75.25€
 Electronic furniture lock with card (tags) readers Z-496 EHT  Electronic furniture lock with card (tags) readers Z-496 EHT
Model: Z-496 EHt
Z-496 eht locK Is the contactless reader combIned WIth the standalone controller and electromechanIcal locK. locK Is PoWered by 4 x aa sIZe 1.5V batterIes. Z-496 eht locK has a comPact sIZe, the Internal clocK, a bIg nUmber oF oPeratIon modes, ease oF InstallatIon, ProgrammIng and maIntenance.Z-496 ..
Excluded VAT 21%:75.50€
 Electronic furniture lock with card (tags) readers Z-495 EHT  Electronic furniture lock with card (tags) readers Z-495 EHT
Model: Z-495 EHT
Z-495 EHT lock is the contactless reader combined with the standalone controller and electromechanical lock. Lock is powered by 4 x AA size 1.5V batteries. Z-495 EHT lock has a compact size, the internal clock, a big number of operation modes, ease of installation, programming and maintenance.Z-495 ..
Excluded VAT 21%:75.50€
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